Watering trees correctly

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Floods and heavy rain – consequences for the health of urban trees

How heavy rain can harm trees: Heavy rain can cause significant damage to trees by weakening roots and oversaturating the soil, which reduces oxygen...

City trees in Germany that are particularly likely to die due to the effects of climate change

Some native tree species in our cities are particularly threatened by climate change and their numbers are steadily declining. In this blog post you will find reasons and...

City trees that taste good. How edible trees enrich our urban spaces

Trees can produce fruits, nuts or edible leaves, thereby providing fresh and healthy food right on our doorsteps.

Green cities. Stand up for livable cities

In recent years, the number of hot days and heavy rainfall has increased. Trees can regulate both heat and precipitation. That is why...

The clever irrigation solution

The baumbad tree watering bags in comparison

You don't know which watering bag is right for you? In this video we show you all our watering bags for trees in comparison. The video is available in English, French and Italian.

The baumbad tree watering bags in comparison

The clever irrigation solution

Interesting facts about Giessen

This is a typo dummy text. You can use it to see whether all the letters are there and what they look like. Sometimes you use words like Hamburgefonts, Rafgenduks or Handgloves to test fonts. This is a typo dummy text. You can use it to see whether all the letters are there and what they look like. Sometimes you use words like Hamburgefonts, Rafgenduks or Handgloves to test fonts.

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