Sequoia origin

The giant sequoia (Sequoioideae) is a genus within the cypress family. It is native to North America and is found especially in California. The giant sequoia is a very long-lived and fast-growing tree that can grow up to 30 m tall in Europe. It has a massive trunk and a broad, pyramid-shaped crown.
The needles are about 1 cm long and deep green.
The flowers of the sequoia are small and inconspicuous and appear in spring.
The fruits are small cones that ripen in autumn and remain on the branches for a long time.

The sequoia is a valuable tree for forestry because it produces high-quality and durable wood. It is mainly used for the production of furniture, lumber and paper.

It is also very popular as an ornamental plant and is often planted in parks and gardens. However, it is very demanding in terms of soil and water conditions and therefore requires special care.

Sequoia care and location

The giant sequoia is demanding in terms of soil and requires deep, moist soil with sufficient drainage. It prefers a sunny location and well-drained soil.

Pruning a sequoia

The ideal time to prune a giant sequoia is early spring, but pruning can also be done in autumn. To thin out the tree crown, all branches that are obstructing each other or have brown needles are removed.
Removing shoots can inhibit growth. This is especially important if the giant sequoia is grown in a container. Branches that grow inwards or cross over each other should be removed to maintain good growth and keep the tree in its natural shape.

Watering the giant sequoia

The water needs of redwoods can vary depending on the species, size and location. In general, however, redwoods have high water needs and require regular irrigation, especially in dry areas.
The soil around the sequoia should always be moist but not wet. During the growing season, the sequoia should be watered regularly to ensure it has enough water. The soil should be watered thoroughly to reach deep into the soil as sequoias are deep-rooted plants.
An efficient way of irrigation is to use tree bath watering bags, which release water drop by drop over several hours. This ensures that the water does not evaporate or seep into the soil before it reaches the roots. Another advantage of the watering bags is that the continuous watering prevents the risk of root rot. Attaching and filling the water bags is simple and self-explanatory. The bag is placed around the tree trunk like a jacket and closed with the zip. In the next step, fill the bag with enough water that after further alignment no wrinkles are visible in the lower area and then let it fill up.
One irrigation bag is enough to provide young trees with sufficient water. For existing trees with a larger trunk diameter, 2 to 3 irrigation bags can be connected together to provide them with sufficient water.

Fertilizing giant sequoias

Giant sequoias usually do not require additional fertilization, as they naturally obtain nutrients through their deep roots. However, if the tree is cultivated in a container or is growing in an area with poor soil quality, fertilizing may be useful. In spring, organic fertilizer such as compost or horn shavings can be added to the soil around the tree.

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