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Yew origin
Yew (Taxus) are evergreen shrubs or trees belonging to the yew family (taxaceae). They originate from North America and Asia and are popular in many parts of the world as ornamental plants, hedge plants or park trees.Yew trees are known for their long, shiny needles and their brown seeds embedded in scaly shells. They grow slowly and can reach heights of up to 15 m. The oldest yew tree in Germany is estimated to be between 2000 and 4000 years old.
It was often given special significance in mythology and culture and the yew was frequently used in ceremonies and rituals.
In Greek mythology, the yew was the favorite tree of the goddess Artemis and was therefore planted in her temples and sanctuaries. The yew was also the tree of immortality and was therefore often planted in the gardens of the blessed.
For the Celts, the yew was a sacred tree because it was associated with eternity. It was used as a magic wand, a divining rod and to protect against evil forces.
Yew flowers are small and inconspicuous and appear in spring. They are arranged in panicles and are usually yellow or greenish. The male flowers are in the panicles, while the female flowers appear individually.
Yew leaves are elongated and pointed, usually green, but sometimes brown or grey. They are evergreen and remain on the branches throughout the winter.
The fruits of yew trees are small, round capsules that ripen in autumn. They contain small, shiny seeds that are eaten by birds and mammals.
Yew trees are often planted as ornamental plants or hedge plants and are also well suited as park trees because they have a high air purifying capacity and thus contribute to improving the quality of life.
Yew trees are also very adaptable and can thrive in almost any climate.
Yew care and location
Yew trees are best planted in moist, well-drained soil and need plenty of water and sunlight to stay healthy, but they can also survive in dry soil by shedding their needles to conserve water.
Yew trees have shallow roots and can suffer damage to the roots close to the ground in dry conditions. The soil in the root area should therefore not be worked if possible.
Pruning yew
Yews are evergreen plants that rarely need to be pruned. They are very robust and undemanding and therefore require little care.
However, if they become too large or need to be trimmed, pruning should be done in spring or autumn. They tolerate pruning well
Yew trees sometimes lose some of their needles in winter, but this is normal and the plant will grow new needles again in spring.
Watering yew trees correctly
Rising temperatures and increasing drought are having a serious impact on the environment and causing stress on trees. Depending on the location and climatic conditions, it may be necessary to water yew trees more frequently than before.
Yew trees need a lot of water, especially in the first few years after planting. They should also be watered regularly, especially during dry periods. To avoid waterlogging, the soil should be well-drained.
Watering with a garden hose often results in a lot of water running off and evaporating before it can reach the tree's roots. The use of tree bath Watering bags for trees for watering yew trees, however, is particularly efficient. The watering bags have two holes in the bottom through which the water is evenly released into the soil over several hours. Drip irrigation gives the roots close to the ground the opportunity to absorb the water. This keeps the soil evenly moist and less water is used because not too much water seeps through the root area.
Young yew trees should be watered regularly with 75 to 100 litres of water per watering. Older and larger yew trees should be watered 1 to 2 times a week with 150 to 200 litres of water per watering during dry periods.
Do you need to fertilize yew trees?
Yew trees absorb nutrients from the soil through their roots and therefore do not require regular fertilizationHowever, it is recommended to improve the soil before planting yew trees with soil amendment materials such as compost or organic fertilizer to optimize growing conditions.
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