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"Trees are poems that the earth writes in the sky" - Khalil Gibran
Trees are something very special, don't you think so?
And trees in cities anyway.
Did you know that trees can measurably improve people's health? research show that the health-promoting effects, particularly on cardiovascular diseases, are particularly large. You can find a text on this topic here.
An interesting question in this regard is: is it the trees that keep us healthy? Or is it the landscape that the trees help to create? It could be that trees have a positive effect on our health because their presence in forests, parks or avenues motivates us to exercise more? Maybe cycling to work or a jog in the evening?
That is quite possible.
But there is also research that shows that trees have a positive effect on our health. The philosopher and psychotherapist Erich Fromm even invented a word for it: Biophilia. The healing effect of the living on the living - and we humans are too.
In Japan, a whole field of research has arisen on the health effects of trees and forests. And a method of its own: Shinrin Yoku or forest bathing.

And there is also the climate: trees bind CO2 and form oxygen. Trees reduce the amount of ozone, nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxide and sulfur in the air.
The big forests? Yes, them too.
But also the trees in our cities. These also regulate the urban microclimate: Trees shade buildings, streets and squares. The measurable differences between asphalted areas and green areas can amount to 15°C.
Trees offer noise protection and wind protection.
Trees bring life to the city: they form habitats for fauna and flora: insects, birds and small mammals; as well as flowers, ivy and shrubs. Alongside climate change, biodiversity has become one of the most important global challenges of our time. And as urbanization progresses, the importance of urban trees as urban biodiversity multipliers could increase. And the question of which trees we want to plant in our cities in the future.
Trees help us to get in touch with the natural cycles, with the natural forces within and around us. Trees help us connect with the forces of nature.
Green areas form important meeting centers. Places to meet and linger. A prominent example of this is the Edible city of Andernach.
Trees provide us Food. For example: Vermicelli, plums-Chutney and Elderflower syrup.
Trees bring aesthetics to the city. My favorite places are surrounded by beautiful trees. For example, I especially love this old and sublime Atlas Cedar! My favorite street is lined with huge plane trees that climb into the sky. When I think of my homeland, I often see the image of a mighty linden tree that amazed me even as a child.
For many people, trees have a symbolic, emotional and sometimes spiritual meaning. In this text you can learn more about the mythological references to trees.
Yes, trees are magical. Trees are super valuable! I wish that we can plant many, many trees and protect the existing trees well.
Maybe with Tree sponsorships.
If you want to support your trees with baumbad, you can find one here Overview of the baumbad products.
Andrew Hunkeler
Dipl. Social and cultural anthropologist with a focus on sustainable and participatory green space design in cities. (More about the author).
My vision is to bring together: people and trees, nature and culture, population and urban authorities.
If you have any questions, suggestions, interesting stories or exciting knowledge on this topic, please write to me: I'm looking forward to your message!
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